luminate 基本解释
luminate 相关例句
1.A25-wattlampwassuspendedfromtheceiling,functioningtoluminate us every night.顶上悬一个25瓦的白炽灯泡,在夜晚给予光明。www.douban.com2.Experimentonmodifyingmaterials of high-lime a-luminateultrahighearlystrengthcement高钙铝酸盐超早强水泥改性材料试验
Integrase iluminatedIluminated masonary block or brickLuminate for the formation of beam leads for IC chip bondingLUMINATE: linking agricultural land use, local water quality and Gulf of Mexico hypoxiaHalfTone Representation of 3-D Objects Iluminated by Area Sources or Polyhedron SourcesEtude vibrationnelle d'aluminates et de gallates de terres rares—I. Alluminates de structure pérovskiteAspects of the chemistry of water in ambient-temperature chloroa luminate ionic liquids: oxygen-17 NMR studiesAnimal visual systems and the evolution of color patterns: Sensory processing iluminates signal evolutionSingle-site anionic polymerization. Monomeric ester enolaluminate propagator synthesis, molecular structure, and polymerization mech...A new agent for the treatment of noninfectious uveitis: rationale and design of three LUMINATE (Lux Uveitis Multicenter Investigatio...