LUO 相关例句
luo xuejuan罗雪娟(前中国女子游泳队选手,2004年雅典奥运会100米蛙泳金牌得主)
罗 Bid, a Bcl2 interacting protein, mediates cytochrome c release from mitochondria in response to activation of cell surface death rec...Efficacy and safety of sorafenib in patients in the Asia-Pacific region with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma: a phase III randomis...Alternative isoform regulation in human tissue transcriptomes.The Amber biomolecular simulation programs.Negative control of p53 by Sir2alpha promotes cell survival under stressBiochemical pathways of caspase activation during apoptosisInhibition of mTOR induces autophagy and reduces toxicity of polyglutamine expansions in fly and mouse models of Huntington disease.A point‐charge force field for molecular mechanics simulations of proteins based on condensed‐phase quantum mechanical calculationsPeginterferon Alfa-2a, lamivudine, and the combination for HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B.