英:['laɪɪŋlɪ] 美: ['laɪɪŋlɪ]
lyingly 基本解释
lyingly 相关例句
FREE ACCESS FLOOR STRUCTURESimplicial complexes lying equivariantly over the affine building of GL( N)Alpha-neo-endorphin coexists with dynorphin-A(1-8) within intramurally lying perikarya of rat duodenum.APPARATUS FOR PRODUCING ANNULARLY CLOSED, INTERCONNECTED ELEMENTSAnomaly of the gallbladder lying extraperitoneally in the internal oblique muscle: report of an unusual caseCapital Vol. I : 1890 PrefaceSystematic calculations of low-lying states of even-even nuclei within the nucleon pair approximationOn Goldstone bosons decoupling from high-lying hadronsLow-Lying Rectal Cancer With Anal Canal Involvement: Abdominoperineal or Low Anterior Resection After Neoadjuvant ChemoradiotherapyWhy the high-lying glueball does not mix with the neighbouring f 0