Macacus 相关例句
Differentiation and renewal of spermatogonia in the monkey, Macacus rhesus.Thalamic Nuclei of Pithecus (Macacus) Rhesus.The nuclear configuration of the thalamus of Macacus rhesusReciprocal connections of the striatum and pallidum in the brain of Pithecus (Macacus) rhesusPosterior column fibers and their termination in macacus rhesusForm, Function, and Intracortical Projections of Neurons in the Striate Cortex of the Monkey Macacus nemestrinusStudies in the reproduction of the monkey Macacus (Pithecus) rhesus, with special reference to menstruation and pregnancyOccurrence of atypical mycobacteria in Macacus rhesus.The transmission of yellow fever to Macacus rhesus. 1928.The retrograde cell degeneration in the thalamus of macacus rhesus following hemidecortication