英:[mækrəfə'tɒgrəfɪ] 美: [ˌmækroʊfə'tɒgrəfɪ]
macrophotography 基本解释
macrophotography 相关例句
MacrophotographyMACROPHOTOGRAPHYMacro PhotographyMacrophotography of histological sections ☆Macrophotography of the anterior segment of the eye.Rapid and simple macrophotography of the skin.Camera accessory for macrophotography having translucent bellowsStandardization of In Vitro Macrophotography for Assessment of Cutaneous ResponsesClinical macrophotography for oral health monitoring purposes. Methods and results from a comparative study[Macrophotography in transmitted light. Contribution to an analysis of horizontal structures of pigmented skin tumors].Noncontact specular microscopy: a macrophotography technique and some endothelial cell findings.‘DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY FOR SCIENCE: CLOSE-UP PHOTOGRAPHY, MACROPHOTOGRAPHY AND PHOTOMACROGRAPHY.’ Enrico SavazziStructural and chemical analysis of marine aggragates: in situ macrophotography and laser confocal and electron microscopy