
  • Mages


    Mages 基本解释




    Mages 相关例句


    1.Hismindandbody are connected withasilvercord,whichcanbedetectedbyunfriendlyAstralmages.在施展过程中,他的灵魂和肉体用一条银绳连接在一起,这根银绳会被敌方的星空魔法师察觉到。dominions.eastgame.org2.At the timethehistorieswerewritten,itwasforbidden for anyone toenterthetemplewithoutthepermissionoftheMages.根据历史记载,当时没得到法师们的允许是不能进去神庙的。www3.6sq.net3.In the days beforetheWar of the BrokenStaff,amajesticcitystoodhere-one of the first founded by the Mages.在断杖之战之前,这里座落着一座雄伟的城市——法师们最早创立的城市之一。www.gamerhome.net4.TheseexpertwarriorsaretheGuardiansoftheWhiteTowerand serve as protectors of the magesandscholars who live and study there.这些经验丰富的武士们,是白塔的守护者,也是在白塔之内法师和学者的保卫者。forum.byr.edu.cn5.Mages of the Adamantine Arrowmustbereadyforbattle at all times.精金之箭的法师必须随时准备好战斗。6.Try to figure out whattypeofMageyou'refightingquickly,and drop the appropriatetotem-Fire Resistance Totem for FireMages.尽快地确认对方是哪一种法师,然后好释放相对应的图腾——火炕图腾对应火法。7.Arcadia: A Supernal Realm where the Ruling Arcana are FateandTime.Mageswhowalk the Acanthus Path claim a Watchtowerinthisrealm.阿卡迪亚:主导奥秘为命运和时间的上域。行于阿坎萨斯之道的法师们控制着该领域的守望塔。8.Stygia: A Supernal Realm where the Ruling Arcana are DeathandMatter.Mageswhowalk the Moros Path claim a Watchtowerinthisrealm.冥河:主导奥秘为死亡和物质的上域。行于莫洛斯之道的法师控制着该领域的守望塔。9.Magesareoffensive,multipurposemagicusers with an emphasis onfireandfrostmagic.法师是攻击性的、多用途的施法者,擅长火和冰的魔法。bbs.ngacn.cc10.Wetried8Mages,wetriedmassDeathKnights,just about every possible comp youcouldthinkof.我们准备8法师,我们试图大规模死亡骑士,只是尽力补偿你可以想到的。bbs.ngacn.cc
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