英:['mædʒɪstrəl] 美: ['mædʒɪstrəl]
magistral 基本解释
magistral 相关例句
Extemporaneous (magistral) preparation of oral medicines for children in European hospitalsGenetic diversity of Streptococcus suis clinical isolates from pigs and humans in Italy (2003-2007).Performance analysis on magistral application technology in Web 2.0——AJAXLight emission in AlGaAs/GaAs HEMTs and GaAs MESFETs induced by hot carriersAcuarelistas: De Bordallo a Carazo, de la concreción magistral y el detalle, al vigor de la sugerenciaIncidental diagnosis of a deep vein thrombosis in consecutive patients undergoing a computed tomography scan of the abdomen: a retro...Conferencia Magistral. Continuidad y cambio en la búsqueda de la calidadTricholomenyns A and B, novel antimitotic acetylenic cyclohexenone derivatives from the fruiting bodies of Tricholoma acerbumGuia Prático da Farmácia MagistralLos académicos en los noventa: ¿actores, sujetos, espectadores o rehenes?