magnetic track 相关例句
- The drive cannot locate a specific area or track on the disk.
驱动器找不到磁盘上特定区域或磁道。 - Soft-sectoring refers to the fact that the division of the disk or track into sectors is performed by software.
Magnetic track
Magnetic track
Magnetic Track
Identification card having a magnetic track covered by color and methods for producing it
Magnetic track array for efficient bead capture in microchannels
Lift and guidance forces by using iron-magnetic track with side rims interacting with passive HT C superconducting plate: Experimen...
Magnetic behaviour of narrow track thin‐film heads
Measurement of cross-track motion of magnetic tapes
A classroom demonstration of levitation and suspension of a superconductor over a magnetic track
Non-smooth dynamics of a magnetic track brake
Laboratory studies of magnetic levitation in the thin track limit
Magnetic Polarity and Fission-Track Chronology of a Late Plioceneu2013Pleistocene Paleoclimatic Proxy Record in the Tropical Andes
Magnetic track braking & its work principle