英:[ˈmægpaɪ] 美: [ˈmæɡˌpaɪ]
magpie 基本解释
magpie[ 'mæɡpai ]
n.long-tailed black-and-white crow that utters a raucous chattering callsomeone who collects things that have been discarded by others同义词:scavengerpack rat
an obnoxious and foolish and loquacious talker同义词:chattererbabblerpraterchatterboxspouter
magpie 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- Now and then a magpie would call.
不时会有喜鹊鸣叫。 - This young man is really a magpie.
这个年轻人真是饶舌。 - No one wants to sit next to Miss Yates at the Sewing Meeting; she chatters like a magpie, all the time.
在缝纫联谊会上,谁也不想坐在耶茨小姐身边; 她整天喋喋不休。 - A born magpie, Mandy collects any object that catches her eye.
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