make friends again 相关例句
用作动词(v.)- I will make your peace with your parents.
我要使你与你的父母言归于好。 - They often quarrel but they always make up.
Contentious host-microbiota relationship in inflammatory bowel disease--can foes become friends again?`I Feel So Sorry . . . I Want to Make Friends Again' Heart-Broken Former Lover Holly Haise Says She Will Fly to Snooker Ace's Bedsid...Friends Again? Canada, Obama, and the Big PictureFriends againNightmind: Making Darkness Our Friend AgainBest of Friends Again! Striker Puts Transfer Saga Behind Him with Match-Winning DisplayRacing: MY BEST MATE CAN BE A PUNTERS FRIEND AGAIN; Culloty Devastated to Miss Probable King George Win on Gold Cup StarFRIENDS AGAINFriends againFriends Again