manageably 相关例句
They’resweet,colorful,lickableandamanageablysmallsnackin an age ofgargantuanportions.
Tomanagethecomplexityofonlineoperations, the industryusesseveraltermsandastandardmethodologyforbreaking down the physical worldintomanageably sized chunks.
Teaching Students to Shape the Game: Negotiation Architecture and the Design of Manageably Dynamic SimulationsUrban Developer: A model architecture for manageably building urban water cycle models spanning multiple scalesAnnual Polar Bear Dip 'manageably uncomfortable'While brainstorming ideas for my exploratory essay I wanted to pick something manageably and would keep my interest. The idea of fre...Method and apparatus for recycling waste composite materialPrepackaged firebox apparatus for outdoor cooking or the likeQuantum Gravity and Dark Energy Using Fractal Planck ScalingLargely Reduced Grid Densities in a Vibrational Self-Consistent Field Treatment Do Not Significantly Impact the ResultingWavenumbers.Versatile gloveMolecules, Vol. 19, Pages 21253-21275: Largely Reduced Grid Densities in a Vibrational Self-Consistent Field Treatment Do Not Signif...