manned spaceship 相关例句
- You are working on sending a manned spaceship to Mars.
你正在从事向火星发射载人宇宙飞船的工作。 - It launched a second manned space flight last year and plans to eventually land a person on the moon.
Separation Process of Manned Spaceship From Launch Vehicle
Experiment Study of Fluid Loop System on Manned Spaceship
A Design of Standard Return Trajectory for Manned Spaceship
Discussion of Shenzhou-7 Manned Spaceship Configuration Control and Management
The Development of the Power Subsystem of Shenzhou Manned Spaceship
The Characteristics and Technology Development of Shenzhou Manned Spaceship
The Space-Borne TT&C Telecommunication Subsystem of Shenzhou Manned Spaceship
Thermo-optical sensitivity and thermal control system for manned spaceship optical windows
Multi-objective Optimization Design of Airbag Buffer in Return Capsule of Manned Spaceship
Design and Implementation of Real Time Energy Balance Analysis System on Shenzhou Manned Spaceship