mark to market 相关例句
- And since they mark all their assets to market, Morgan and Goldman may have felt the worst of their pain.
Mark-to-MarketMark to marketMark-to-MarketMark-to-market accounting and liquidity pricing ☆Mark-to-market accounting and liquidity pricingMark-to-Market Accounting for Banks and Thrifts: Lessons From the Danish ExperienceIs mark-to-market accounting destabilizing? Analysis and implications for policy ☆Report and Recommendations Pursuant to Section 133 of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008: Study on Mark-To-Market Acco...Mark-to-Market Accounting and Valuation: Evidence from UK Real Estate and Investment CompaniesDo accounting measurement regimes matter? A discussion of mark-to-market accounting and liquidity pricing ☆Assessing the Information Content of Mark-to-Market Accounting with Mixed Attributes: The Case of Cash Flow HedgesMethods and systems for collateral matching and mark to market reconcilementGranularity adjustment for mark-to-market credit risk models