masculineness 相关例句
Theunique characteristicofJiPoems' "QingJun"lies initsaestheticallymasculinenessof"Jun",whichiscomplementaryto"Qing".
Thepapertriestostudyaestheticqualityofthiswriting from the beautyofmasculinenessandfeminineness, firmness and gentleness, the beauty of majesty as well.
The use of multimodality to communicate “Masculineness” identity in “Axe” TV commercialsConceptions of masculine and masculineness according to Freud and considerations from the hearing of men who underwent penectomy due...As concepções de masculino e masculinidade consoante Freud e sua consideração a partir da escuta de homens penectomizados devido...Aesthetics in Zhouyi『소음과 분노』에 나타난 콤슨가의 몰락과 남성성(masculinity)Y chromosome loss and rearrangement in non-small-cell lung cancer: Center R, Lukeis R, Vrazas V, Garson OM. Department of Cytogeneti...GENDER RELATIONS IN ADVERTISING:WORDS AND IMAGES CONSTRUCTING IDENTITIES RELAÇÕES DE GÊNERO NA PUBLICIDADE: PALAVRAS E IMAGENS CO...A Study of Appearance Management Behaviors and Body Exposure Attitudes according to Sex Role IdentityA Study on Sociocultural Attitudes and Appearance Management Behavior in accordance with Gender Role IdentitySocial Face Sensitivity and Appearance Management Behaviors according to Sex Role Identity