英:[meɪt'rɪsentrɪk] 美: [meɪt'rɪsentrɪk]
matricentric 基本解释
adj.centered upon the mother
matricentric 相关例句
Matricentric feminism is a gift to the worldMATRICENTRIC FEMINISM: Theory, Activism, and PracticeThe Matricentric Family System: A Cross-Cultural ExaminationBuilding the glomerulus: a matricentric view.Matricentric Narratives Recent British Women's Fiction in a Postmodern ModeFamily matricentric and drug in the venezuelan popular word-of-lifeChristian moderns: Parody in matricentric Christian healing communnes of the sacred spirit in KinshasaThe Kiss of the Spider Woman: Gotthelf's "Matricentric"Pedagogy and Its (Post)war Reception2004 Young Investigator Award Lecture Building the Glomerulus: A Matricentric View“It Saved My Life”: The National Association of Mothers’ Centres, Matricentric Pedagogy and Maternal Empowerment