莫德Matilda的变体法语女Lucy Maud Montgomery 露西•莫德•蒙格玛丽: (1874~1942), 加拿大作家,《绿山墙的安妮》一书的作者。Maud of Wales 莫德公主: (1869~1938),英国公主,挪威王后。Maud Gonne MacBride 莫德•冈娜•麦克布莱德: (1865~1953), 爱尔兰爱国者和女演员,争取爱尔兰独立运动的领导人,是新芬党的创始人之一(1906年)。
Maud is one of only two surviving Norfolk trading wherries to be found on the Norfolk Broads. Maud was built in 1899, and served as a sailing wherry and later as a lighter before being sunk in the mid-1960s as protection for part of the banks of Ranworth Broad.
Maud 相关例句
I'm trying to track down my old Aunt Maud. 我正试图寻找到我那年迈的婶婶莫德。
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