CONTROL MECHANISMS AND BIOCHEMICAL GENETICS: The Specific Acylation of Glycerol 3-Phosphate to Monoacylglycerol 3-Phosphate in Esche...The influence of apolipoprotein polymorphism on the response to dietary fat and cholesterol.Studies in the Epidemiology of Q Fever. 5. Surveys of Human and Animal Sera for Rickettsia burneti Agglutinins.Effect of paraquat on microsomal lipid peroxidation in vitro and in vivo. [Rats, rabbits, man, mice]Molecules, Vol. 17, Pages 8276-8284: Preparative Isolation and Purification of Four Compounds from Cistanches deserticola Y.C. Ma by...Medical Students' Involvement in Outpatient Clinical Encounters: A Survey of Patients and Their Obstetricians鈥揋ynecologistsSoy Isoflavones Improve Systemic Arterial Compliance but Not Plasma Lipids in Menopausal and Perimenopausal WomenSoft error rate mitigation techniques for modern microcircuitsAction of Nicking-Closing Enzyme on Supercoiled and Nonsupercoiled Closed Circular DNA: Formation of a Boltzmann Distribution of Top...Relative susceptibility of microsomes from lung, heart, liver, kidney, brain and testes to lipid peroxidation: correlation with vita...