英:[mi:ˈdiə] 美: [mɪˈdiə]
Medea 基本解释
Medea[ mi'diə ]
n.(Greek mythology) a princess of Colchis who aided Jason in taking the Golden Fleece from her father
Medea 相关例句
Imprinting of the MEDEA polycomb gene in the Arabidopsis endosperm.Medea is a Drosophila Smad4 homolog that is differentially required to potentiate DPP responsesMaternal control of embryogenesis by MEDEA, a polycomb group gene in ArabidopsisThe -group protein MEDEA regulates seed development by controlling expression of the MADS-box geneThe Arabidopsis thaliana MEDEA Polycomb group protein controls expression of PHERES1 by parental imprinting.DEMETER DNA glycosylase establishes MEDEA polycomb gene self-imprinting by allele-specific demethylationThe Polycomb-group protein MEDEA regulates seed development by controlling expression of the MADS-box gene PHERES1.Maintenance of genomic imprinting at the Arabidopsis medea locus requires zygotic DDM1 activityDEMETER DNA glycosylase establishes MEDEA polycomb gene self-imprinting by allelespecific demethylation. Cell 124Control of fertilization-independent endosperm development by the MEDEA polycomb gene in Arabidopsis.