mediate between
英:[ˈmi:dieit biˈtwi:n] 美: [ˈmidiˌet bɪˈtwin]
mediate between 基本解释
mediate between 相关例句
Scatter factor/hepatocyte growth factor and its receptor, the c-met tyrosine kinase, can mediate a signal exchange between mesenchym...Does CTCF mediate between nuclear organization and gene expressionSNARE proteins mediate fusion between cytosolic lipid droplets and are implicated in insulin sensitivity. Nat. Cell Biol. 9, 1286-1293Electroactive Surfactant Designed to Mediate Electron Transfer Between CdSe Nanocrystals and Organic SemiconductorsSoil nematodes mediate positive interactions between legume plants and rhizobium bacteriaPLUMAGE AND SONG DIFFERENCES MEDIATE SPECIES RECOGNITION BETWEEN INCIPIENT FLYCATCHER SPECIES OF THE SOLOMON ISLANDSPLUMAGE AND SONG DIFFERENCES MEDIATE SPECIES RECOGNITION BETWEEN INCIPIENT FLYCATCHER SPECIES OF THE SOLOMON ISLANDSLocus of control fails to mediate between stress and anxiety and depression in parents of children with a developmental disorderCan Micelles Mediate a Mass Transfer between Oil Droplets?Gap junctions mediate intercellular spread of sodium between hippocampal astrocytes in situ.