英:['medɪkəbl] 美: ['medɪkəbəl]
medicable 基本解释
medicable 相关例句
medicableEnhancers of notch signaling and their use in the treatment of cancers and malignancies medicable by upregulation of notchConfirmation the identity: pharmaceutical substances and medicable productsComparison of Six Classification Techniques for Post Operative Patient data in the Medicable disciplineREPAIR OF IMMEDICABLE ULCER IN SKULL CAP WITH EXPANDED BIPEDICAL AXIAL FLAP IN SENILE PATIENTSIndependent Pursuits: Words - Immedicable, adj[Psychological factors and erectile function in men with refractory chronic prostatitis].Comparison of 3-dimensional proton-photon dose distribution and evaluation of side effects after radiotherapyMedicaments for diabetic complication and neuropathy, and uses thereofSanitary article for revealing and observating personally physiological condition