英:['megəvəʊlt] 美: ['megəˌvoʊlt]
megavolt 相关例句
megavoltmegavoltPeripheral dose from megavolt beamsExperimental evaluation of a megavolt rod-pinch diode as a radiography sourceTriggering and guiding megavolt discharges by use of laser-induced ionized filamentsTriggering and guiding of megavolt discharges by laser-induced filaments under rain conditionsUltrafast Time-Resolved Electron Diffraction with Megavolt Electron BeamsMulti-megavolt, multi-axis, high-resolution flash X-ray source development for a new Hydrodynamics Research Facility at AWE Aldermas...Active mechanisms are needed to describe cell responses to submicrosecond, megavolt-per-meter pulses: cell models for ultrashort pul...Ohmic drop compensation in cyclic voltammetry at scan rates in the megavolt per second range: access to nanometric diffusion layers ...