Mein 相关例句
mein kampf我的奋斗(书名,德国希特勒所著)
chow mein n. (中国的)炒面
Long-period astronomical forcing of mammal turnoverModeling infiltration during a steady rainModeling Infiltration During Steady RainFirst hominid from the Miocene (Lukeino Formation, Kenya)Is retirement good or bad for mental and physical health functioning? Whitehall II longitudinal study of civil servantsReport of the RCMNS Working Group on fossil mammals, Reisensburg 1990Refining genotype phenotype correlations in muscular dystrophies with defective glycosylation of dystroglycanSimple object access protocolBarrier distributions from the fusion of oxygen ions with 144,148,154Sm and 186WHaplotypes of the WNK1 gene associate with blood pressure variation in a severely hypertensive population from the British Genetics ...