melodically 相关例句
Calmly, almost melodically,Andersonannounces that it’stimeto leave for extrahelpwithreading.
Voice leading or part writing applies to thetreatmentof individual voices or parts consideredmelodicallyratherthanpurelyaselementsinchords.
Comprehension of neutral, melodically intoned, and affectively toned sentences by adults with aphasiaInsight into the neurophysiological processes of melodically intoned language with functional MRI.QBT-Extended: An annotated dataset of melodically contoured tapped queriesHow melodically conditioned allomorphy can be reduced to phonology and why multiple inputs can't do the jobTHE RHYTHMICALLY, MELODICALLY AND RHYTHMIC-MELODICALLY ANALOGIES IN RICHARD WAGNER鈥橲 OPERASTHE RHYTHMICALLY, MELODICALLY AND RHYTHMIC-MELODICALLY ANALOGIES IN RICHARD WAGNER’S OPERASGiant drag: a melodically moody match made in musical heavenEx- Soul Coughing frontman thriving -- Doughty bitter over breakup, but has moved on melodicallyEffects of length, tonal structure, and contour in the recognition of tone seriesInitiate: constructing the 'reality' of male team sport initiation rituals.