Mendocino 基本解释
释义[地名] [美国] 门多西诺;
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Mendocino 相关例句
Internal Tide Radiation from Mendocino EscarpmentA flora of the vascular plants of Mendocino County, California.The cape mendocino, california, earthquakes of april 1992: subduction at the triple junction.Edge wave and non-trapped modes of the 25 april 1992 Cape Mendocino tsunamiEdge Wave and Non-trapped Modes of the 25 April 1992 Cape Mendocino TsunamiGeoid height-age relation from SEASAT altimeter profiles across the Mendocino Fracture ZoneInterpreting Quaternary uplift rates at the Mendocino triple junction, northern California, from uplifted marine terracesRapid gravity computations for two‐dimensional bodies with application to the Mendocino submarine fracture zoneChannel response to tectonic forcing: field analysis of stream morphology and hydrology in the Mendocino triple junction region, nor...Landscape response to tectonic forcing: Digital elevation model analysis of stream profiles in the Mendocino triple junction region,...