Merce 相关例句
cheat merce转变贸易等级
Merce Duninghan坎宁汉
merce Management商务管理
Merce Rodoreda罗多雷达
No merce 无货物 ; 没有任何商品 ; 没有任何产品
Social merce 社交购物 ; 商业上的事务 ; 社会化电子商务
Hotel Merce梅尔切酒店
Jose Merce 表演者 ; 荷西
Merce Simon黛丝·西蒙
Signedmercialinvoice in triplicate, original ofwhichmust becertifiedbythechamber ofmerceorCCPIT and legalized by anyArabembassyorconsulate.
On september26,thegroup“CastellersdeVilafranca”formedahumantowerat Sant Jaume square during the annual festival of “La Merce”inBarcelona,Spain.
9月26日,西班牙巴塞隆纳,一个表演小组”CastellersdeVilafranca”在圣? 詹姆斯广场上组成一个人塔以庆祝巴塞隆纳守护神圣梅尔塞节。
BRAIN CATALASE ACTIVITY CORRELATES WITH ETHANOL-INDUCED LOCOMOTION IN MICE.Genome-wide Analysis of Genetic Loci Associated with Alzheimer’s DiseaseSelective glutathione depletion of mitochondria by ethanol sensitizes hepatocytes to tumor necrosis factor.How integrated are environmental, quality and other standardized management systems? An empirical study ☆Methods of reducing the incidence of rejection in tissue transplantation through the use of recombinant human antithrombinAmbient Air Pollution and the Progression of Atherosclerosis in AdultsMouse Model of Femoral Artery Denudation Injury Associated With the Rapid Accumulation of Adhesion Molecules on the Luminal Surface ...Seasonally dependent size distributions of aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban aerosols from densely populated a...Beyond proteinuria: VDR activation reduces renal inflammation in experimental diabetic nephropathyAssessment of placental vascularization by three-dimensional power Doppler "vascular biopsy"in normal pregnancies