mercenaria 相关例句
Mercenaria mercenaria硬壳蛤
Amazona mercenaria 鳞项亚马逊鹦鹉 ; 鳞颈亚马孙鹦哥 ; 鳞颈亚马逊鹦鹉
Mercenara mercenaria圆蛤
campechiensis mercenaria美南宝石帘蛤
Mercenaria mercenaria Linnaeus 硬壳蛤 ; 美洲帘蛤 ; 文蛤
Mercenaria mercenaria L 硬壳蛤 ; 化学物质
Mercenaria Permagna Clam舟形硬壳蛤
Amazona mercenaria Scaly-naped Parrot鳞项亚马孙鹦哥
The hard clamMercenariamercenariaisdistributedoriginallyinthe eastcoastUS.
An edible clam(Venusmercenaria)of theAtlanticcoast of North America, having ahard,roundedshell.
大西洋海岸产的硬壳圆蛤类; 大蛤通常作杂烩用,其他蛤做菜。
Butat22.5, 28.0 and 32.0℃, nosignificantdifferencewasshown. The conclusion showed that M. mercenariahas strongabilitytoadapthightemperature environment, and it is farmableinsouth…
Growth of juvenile Mercenaria mercenaria and the effect of resuspended bottom sedimentsProfiles of strontium and barium in Mercenaria mercenaria and Spisula solidissima shellsRelease of lysozyme from hemolymph cells of Mercenaria mercenaria during phagocytosis.Growth and survival of larvae of Mercenaria mercenaria (L.) and Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) relative to broodstock conditioning...Sclerochronological records of temperature and growth from shells of Mercenaria mercenaria from Narragansett Bay, Rhode IslandEnvironmental controls on the stable isotopic composition of Mercenaria mercenaria : Potential application to paleoenvironmental stu...Influence of algal and suspended sediment concentrations on the feeding physiology of the hard clam Mercenaria mercenariaIdentification of geochemical tracers within biominerals of juvenile and larval Mercenaria mercenaria: Implications for modeling lar...The Influence of seagrass cover on population structure and individual growth rate of a suspension-feeding bivalve, Mercenaria merce...The effects of elevated carbon dioxide concentrations on the metamorphosis, size, and survival of larval hard clams (Mercenaria merc...