英:['mɜ:sərɪ] 美: ['mɜsərɪ]
mercery 基本解释
Mercery (from French mercerie, the notions trade) initially referred to silk, linen, and fustian textiles imported to England in the 12th century.The Mercery of London, Anne F.以上来源于:Wikipedia
mercery 相关例句
The Mercery of LondonMercery through four centuries, 1130s-c.1500The mercery of London : trade, goods and people, 1130-1578The mercery trade and the Mercers' Company of London : from the 1130s to 1348.Anne F. Sutton. The Mercery of London: Trade, Goods and People, 1130–1578. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005. Pp. xvii+670. $144.95 (cloth)The Shop-floor of the London Mercery Trade, c. 1200- c. 1500: The marginalisation of the artisan, the itinerant mercer and the shoph...Anne F. Sutton, The Mercery of London: Trade, Goods and People, 1130–1578. Aldershot, Eng., and Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2005. Pp...DISCUSSION ON SOURCE OF GOLD BASED ON REGIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD ARSENIC ANTIMONY AND MERCERY IN WESTERN GUANGXIGuild Privileges, Vertical Integration, and the Organization of Silk and Mercery Production in Thirteenth- and Fourteenth-Century Pa...3. Bridges of innovation and change: the English language around the networks of the Mercery of London: The Languages of Traders