metacarpal bone
英:[ˌmetəˈkɑ:pl bəun]
metacarpal bone 基本解释
metacarpal bone
n.any bone of the hand between the wrist and fingers同义词:metacarpal
metacarpal bone 相关例句
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通过媒体掌骨,您可以看到最新和最全面的娱乐热点的电话。 - Some authors hae suggested that a pure rotational malunion of the phalanges can be corrected with a rotational osteotomy at the metacarpal leel.
metacarpal boneLow metacarpal bone density, tooth loss, and periodontal disease in Japanese women.Metacarpal bone mass in normal and osteoporotic Japanese women using computed X-ray densitometryThe estimation of adult stature from metacarpal bone lengthInoue T. Metacarpal bones mass in normal and osteoporotic Japanese women using computed X-ray densitometryAn osteoblastic osteoid tissue-forming tumor of a metacarpal boneProgression of osteoarthritis of the hand and metacarpal bone loss. A twenty-year followup of incident cases.Three dimensional structure of the distal condyles of the third metacarpal bone of the horseExercise of young thoroughbred horses increases impact strength of the third metacarpal boneProgression of aortic calcification is associated with metacarpal bone loss during menopause: a population-based longitudinal study