英:['metəplæzəm] 美: ['metəplæzəm]
metaplasm 基本解释
A metaplasmGreek μεταπλασμός, from μετα-πλάσσειν "mold into a different shape"is a change in the orthography (and hence phonology) of a word. Originally it referred to techniques used in Ancient Greek and Latin poetry, or processes in those languages' grammar.以上来源于:Wikipedia
metaplasm 相关例句
On Some Properties of the Jelly Coat in Oocytes and Mature Eggs of Sea Urchins. A Study of Phase-Dependent Changes of Metaplasmic La...[Electron microscopy of osseous metaplasm][Physiopathology of the capillaries in connective metaplasm diseases in otorhinolaryngology]THE FORMATION AND EXCRETION OF THE METAPLASM GRANULES OF THE NEURONAbout metaplasms of Croatian words in the Venetian dialectRole of electron microscopy in diagnosis of parotid tumours.SPERMATOGENESIS OF LITHOBIUS FORFICATUSThe Linguistic Form Systems of Chinese CharacterOnline Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: MPrımary retroperıtoneal lıposarcoma wıth osseous metaplasıa: A peculıar presentatıon mımıckıng a calculous non-functıonın...