英:[ˌmetəsaɪ'kɒlədʒɪ] 美: [ˌmetəsaɪ'kɒlədʒɪ]
metapsychology 基本解释
Metapsychology (Greek: meta 'beyond, transcending', and ψυχολογία 'psychology')Metapsychology Online Medical Dictionary is a speculative psychology which seeks to understand the structure of the mind in terms which may not be empirically veriable.Definition of metapsychology at Merriam-Webster以上来源于:Wikipedia
metapsychology 相关例句
METAPSYCHOLOGYMetapsychologyMetapsychologyTHE METAPSYCHOLOGY OF THE ANALYSTThe metapsychology of the analyst. 1942.Coments on the metapsychology of somatizationOn "The metapsychology of the analyst,"by Robert Fliess.Contribution to the metapsychology of schizophrenia.Contribution to the metapsychology of cyclothymic depression.From metapsychology to molecular biology: Explorations into the nature of anxiety.The points of view and assumptions of metapsychology.Notes on the Phantom: A Complement to Freud's MetapsychologyLinking objects and linking phenomena : a study of the forms, symptoms, metapsychology, and therapy of complicated mourning