英:[mɪ'tɪkjʊlɒsɪtɪ] 美: [mɪ'tɪkjʊlɒsɪtɪ]
meticulosity 基本解释
meticulosity[ mi,tikju'lɔsəti ]
n.strict attention to minute details同义词:meticulousnesspunctiliousnessscrupulousness
meticulosity 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- The brand Swarovski is the symbol of perfection, delicacy and meticulosity, so any slight defect is not allowed.
On Meticulosity in Ideological and Political Education of University Students from a Perspective of SubjectivityOn the Medical Ethics of Meticulosity of Modern Medical MastersOn Logical Meticulosity of PhilosophyMeticulosity and Abstrusity vs Tenuousness and Melodiousness—The Beauty of "Yaomiao"in Classical Chinese LiteratureObsession for MeticulosityWoman and Her Affinity to LiteratureWoman and Her Affinity to LiteratureTHE OBSESSIVE - COMPULSIVE PERSONALITY DISORDER, APPROACHED BY COGNITIVE-BEHAVIOURAL THERAPYThe Research of Teachers' Observation and Evaluation Differences of Young Children from Different Mathematics Pedagogical Content Kn...TULBURAREA DE PERSONALITATE OBSESIV-COMPULSIVÄ‚, ABORDATÄ‚ PRIN PSIHOTERAPIE COGNITIVCOMPORTAMENTALÄ‚