英:[məˈtɒnəmi] 美: [məˈtɑnəmi]
metonymy 基本解释
metonymy[ mi'tɔnimi, mə- ]
n.substituting the name of an attribute or feature for the name of the thing itself (as in `they counted heads')
metonymy 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- Tropes include metaphor, simile, metonymy, synecdoche, etc.
Metonymy in Language and ThoughtMetonymy: Developing a cognitive linguistic viewCorpus-Based Approaches to Metaphor and MetonymyCorpus-Based Approaches to Metaphor and Metonymymet*: a method for discriminating metonymy and metaphor by computerThe role of mappings and domains in understanding of metonymyThe modes of modern writing : metaphor, metonymy, and the typology of modern literatureIntroduction The cognitive theory of metaphor and metonymy : Metaphor and Metonymy at the Crossroads A Cognitive PerspectiveClarifying and applying the notions of metaphor and metonymy within cognitive linguistics: An update : Metaphor and Metonymy in Comp...On the plausibility of claiming a métonymie motivation for conceptual metaphor : Metaphor and Metonymy at the Crossroads A Cognitiv...