英:[mə'tɒpɪk] 美: [mə'tɒpɪk]
metopic 相关例句
metopicThe increase of metopic synostosis: a pan-European observation.Trigonocephaly (metopic synostosis). Clinical, surgical and anatomical conceptsMetopic craniostenosis as a consequence of fetal head constraint: two interesting experiments of nature.Metopic and sagittal synostosis: intracranial volume measurements prior to and after cranio-orbital reshaping in childhood.Long-term studies of metopic synostosis: frequency of cognitive impairment and behavioral disturbances.Surgical Treatment of Congenital Anomalies of the Coronal and Metopic Sutures: Technical NoteMetopic synostosis: Defining the temporal sequence of normal suture fusion and differentiating it from synostosis on the basis of co...Three‐dimensional sonographic description of the fetal frontal bones and metopic sutureThe timing of physiologic closure of the metopic suture: a review of 159 patients using reconstructed 3D CT scans of the craniofacia...