metropolitan state
英:[ˌmɛtrəˈpɑlɪtən stet]
metropolitan state 基本解释
metropolitan state 相关例句
Metropolitan State Hospital Employees Rally for More Safety, No Staff CutsThe Vision, the Struggle: How Metropolitan State University of Denver BeganSeeing and Governing Street Hawkers Like a Fragmented Metropolitan StateSeeing and Governing Street Hawkers Like a Fragmented Metropolitan StateSkinner boxes for psychotics: Operant conditioning at Metropolitan State HospitalBuilding a Writing Major at Metropolitan State University: Shaping a Program to Meet Students Where They AreIsrael: Human Mobility and Urban Development in an Emerging Metropolitan StateStigmatising Attitudes Towards Co-workers with HIV in the Workplace of a Metropolitan State, Southwestern Nigeria:Resolving Issues in Innovative Graduate Degree Programs: The Metropolitan State University Doctor of Business Administration Experie...Humanitarian Technology: Research, Development and Education at Metropolitan State University of Denver Aimed at Progressing the Sta...