英:['mɪtrɪ] 美: ['mɪtrɪ]
metry 相关例句
Stochastic {G}eometry and its {A}pplicationsProximal esophageal pH-metry in patients with 'reflux laryngitis'Interrater reliability of hand-held dynamometry.Augmenting mental chronometry: the P300 as a measure of stimulus evaluation time.Good urodynamic practices: Uroflowmetry, filling cystometry, and pressure‐flow studiesAugmenting mental chronometry: The P300 as a measure of stimulus evaluation. Science, 197, 792-795Technical aspects of intraluminal pH-metry in man: current status and recommendations.Clinical measurement of range of motion. Review of goniometry emphasizing reliability and validityDETERMINATION OF REDOX POTENTIALS IN NON-AQUEOUS SYSTEMS BY CYCLIC VOLTAM-METRY WITH AN INTERNAL STANDARDOptimal thresholds, sensitivity, and specificity of long-term pH-metry for the detection of gastroesophageal reflux disease.