mgb 基本解释
abbr.Medium Girder Bridge 中型桥梁;
mgb 相关例句
Superconductivity in Dense MgB{sub 2} WiresScanning tunneling spectroscopy in MgB 2Superconductivity of MgB 2 : Covalent Bonds Driven MetallicSuperconductivity of powder-in-tube MgB_2 wiresTwo-Gap State Density in MgB 2 : A True Bulk Property Or A Proximity Effect?Specific heat of MgB$_2$ in a one- and a two-band model from first-principles calculationsPhonon Dispersion and Electron-Phonon Coupling in MgB 2 and AlB 2The origin of the anomalous superconducting properties of MgB(2).Evidence for two superconducting energy gaps in MgB(2) by point-contact spectroscopy.Enhancement of the critical current density and flux pinning of MgB_2 superconductor by nanoparticle SiC doping