英:['maɪkrə] 美: ['maɪkrə]
micra 基本解释
n.微米(micron的复数);微米( micron的名词复数 );
micra 相关例句
Micrablepharus atticolus. Natural historyMicranoic Acids A and B: Two New Octanortriterpenoids from Schisandra micranthaMICRA: a compact permanent magnet Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer1H NMR studies of lymph chylomicra and very low density lipoproteins from nonhuman primates.The metabolism of chylomicra. I. The removal of palmitic acid-1-C14 labeled chylomicra from dog plasma.Early performance of a miniaturized leadless cardiac pacemaker: the Micra Transcatheter Pacing StudySuper-high-speed liquid chromatography of proteins and peptides on non-porous Micra NPS-RP packingsCell and tissue reactions of turbot Scophthalmus maximus (L.) to Tetramicra brevifilum gen. n., sp. n. (Microspora).THE UPTAKE FROM THE BLOOD OF TRIGLYCERIDE FATTY ACIDS OF CHYLOMICRA AND LOW-DENSITY LIPOPROTEINS BY THE MAMMARY GLAND OF THE GOAT.Antioxidant and antiviral activities of plastoquinones from the brown alga Sargassum micracanthum, and a new chromene derivative con...