英:[ˌmaɪkrəʊ'bærəgrɑ:f] 美: [ˌmaɪkroʊ'bærəˌgrɑf]
microbarograph 基本解释
microbarograph 相关例句
MicrobarographMicrobarograph observation of acoustic gravity waves.Microbarograph Records from the Russian Large Nuclear ExplosionsA microbarograph for internal gravity wave studies in AntarcticaEstimation of Nuclear Explosion Energies from Microbarograph RecordsSignal Feature Extraction From Microbarograph Observations Using the Hilbert–Huang TransformProcessing and interpretation of microbarograph signals generated by the explosion of Mount St. HelensMeteorological Tower, Microbarograph Array, and Sodar Observations of Solitary-like Waves in the Nocturnal Boundary Layer.Atmospheric waves observed in the planetary boundary layer using an acoustic sounder and a microbarograph arrayObservations of boundary-layer convection cells measured by dual-Doppler radar and echosonde, and by microbarograph array