英:['maɪkrəklaɪn] 美: ['maɪkrəˌklaɪn]
microcline 基本解释
Microcline (KAlSi3O8) is an important igneous rock-forming tectosilicate mineral. It is a potassium-rich alkali feldspar.以上来源于:Wikipedia
microcline 相关例句
The microcline-sanidine stability relationsThe microcline-sanidine stability relations. GCA 5, 1-19The Lattice and Twinning of Microcline and Other Potash FeldsparsBiotite and microcline as potassium sources in ectomycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal Pinus sylvestris seedlingsThe orthoclase-microcline inversion: A high-resolution transmission electron microscope study and strain analysisUnit-cell parameters of the microcline-low albite and the sanidine-high albite solid solution seriesPotassium feldspars structurally intermediate between microcline and sanidineThe distribution of NaAlSi3O8 between coexisting microcline and plagioclase and its effect on geothermometric calculationsThe coordination numbers of Na and K atoms in low albite and microcline as determined from a procrystal electron-density distributionExperimental determination and interpretation of the solubility of the assemblage microcline, muscovite, and quartz in supercritical...