英:['maɪkrəfeɪdʒ] 美: ['maɪkrəˌfeɪdʒ]
microphage 基本解释
microphage[ 'maikrəfeidʒ ]
n.a neutrophil that ingests small things (as bacteria)
microphage 相关例句
Study of the Performance of the KeyPath MRSA/MSSA Blood Culture Test - BTAGeneral Utility of Bacteriophage Amplification Technology for Antibiotic Susceptibiity Testing in S. aureusMethod for enhanced sensitivity in bacteriophage-based diagnostic assaysAccurate Detection of Nasal MRSA Carriage by the Bacteriophage Amplification TestThe KeyPath MRSA/MSSA Blood Culture Test BT Accurately Identifies Staphylococcal aureus Isolates Carrying Incomplete Staphylococcal ...Prospective Study Into the Performance of the MicroPhage S. Aureus/MSSA/MRSA Test Direct From Blood Culture PositivesMicroPhage Seeks FDA Clearance To Market World\'s First Test Designed To Rapidly Identify Bacterial Infections And Antibiotic Suscep...MicroPhage Results On Rapid S. Aureus/MRSA Blood Culture Test PublishedMethod and apparatus for enhanced sensitivity in bacteriophage-based diagnostic assaysCONTENT ALERTS