英:[ˌmaɪkrə'fəʊtəgrɑ:f] 美: [ˌmaɪkrə'foʊtəˌgrɑf]
microphotograph 基本解释
Microphotographs are photographs shrunk to microscopic scale (see microfilm) – not to be confused with photomicrographs, which are photographs of microscopic things.Focal encyclopedia of photography By Michael R.以上来源于:Wikipedia
microphotograph 相关例句
MicrophotographmicrophotographmicrophotographOpaque microphotograph projectorMICROPHOTOGRAPH GRANULARITY EXAMINATION SYSTEM RESEARCHOn the Information in a MicrophotographA Same Magnification Factor Microphotograph-rule MethodThe application of video-microphotograph system in plant anatomy experiment teachingA STUDY ON SOIL MICROPHOTOGRAPH PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS FOR EXTRACTING SOIL MICROSTRUCTURE FEATURESBoundary-integral Algorithm for Size Analysis of Powder MicrophotographThe digital image processing and analysis of the medical microphotographInfluence of machining processes on surface microphotograph and microstructure of fastening holesTHREE DIMENSIONAL DETERMINATION ANDISOLINE DRAWING USING SCANNINGELECTRON MICROPHOTOGRAPH