microscopies 相关例句
electron microscopy电子显微镜学,电子显微镜
scanning electron microscopy扫描电子显微镜检查法
transmission electron microscopy透射电子显微镜法
optical microscopy光学显微镜;光学显微术;光学显微学
light microscopy光学显微镜;光学显微学
fluorescence microscopy[化]荧光显微法;[医]萤光显微镜检查
polarized light microscopy偏振光显微术;偏振光显微镜测试法
Scanned Probe Microscopies in ChemistryScanning probe microscopies beyond imaging :Scanning Force Microscopies Can Image Patterned Self-Assembled MonolayersScanning Probe Microscopies Beyond Imaging: Manipulation of Molecules and NanostructuresAtomic force microscopy and other scanning probe microscopies.The power and prospects of fluorescence microscopies and spectroscopies.Theoretical principles of near-field optical microscopies and spectroscopiesProbing Soft Matter with the Atomic Force Microscopies: Imaging and Force SpectroscopyScanning and transmission electron microscopies of single-crystal silicon microworn/machined using atomic force microscopyChemInform Abstract: High-Yield Assembly of Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Tips for Scanning Probe Microscopies