middler 相关例句
Filtriervorrichtung für FluideHormonal and non-hormonal factors in the control of amphibian salt and water balance.Thiazide diuretics and calcium metabolismThe novel use of very high doses of cabergoline and a combination of testosterone and an aromatase inhibitor in the treatment of a g...Direct Solid-State Synthesis at High Pressures of New Mixed-Metal Oxynitrides: RZrO2N (R = Pr, Nd, and Sm)ChemInform Abstract: Direct Solid‐State Synthesis at High Pressure of New Mixed‐Metal Oxynitrides: LnZrO2N (Ln: Pr, Nd, and Sm)Identifying patients at risk of pressure ulcersDEVICE FOR FILTERING A FLUID, ESPECIALLY FOR PLASTICPROCESSING INSTALLATIONSA multi-level intervention in worksites to increase fruit and vegetable access and intake: Rationale, design and methods of the ‘Go...Dirt precipitator for a highly viscous medium