英:[mɪdə'lesənt] 美: [mɪdə'lesənt]
middlescent 基本解释
middlescent 相关例句
beat the middlescent BLUESLove: crisis and consolation for the middlescent womanREFERENCE VALUE OF MIDDLESCENT WOMEN'S HEMOGLOBIN AND GEOGRAPHICAL FACTORS IN CHINAAttitudes and Adjustment of Adolescents and their Middlescent MothersAnxiety related to general anesthesia education in the middlescentRelationship between reference value of Chinese middlescent men's hematocrit and geographical factorsReference values for erythrocyte sedimentation rate of middlescent people as a function of altitude.Curvilinear Model Analysis between Reference Values of Chinese Middlescent Men's Hematocrit and AltitudeCurvilinear model analysis between reference values of Chinese middlescent men's hemoglobin and altitude.Curvilinear Model Analysis between Reference Values of Chinese Middlescent Women's Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate and Altitude