英:[ˈmɪdlɪŋ] 美: [ˈmɪdlɪŋ, -lɪn]
middling 基本解释
middling[ 'midliŋ ]
n.any commodity of intermediate quality or size (especially when coarse particles of ground wheat are mixed with bran)adj.lacking exceptional quality or ability"the performance was middling at best"
adv.to a moderately sufficient extent or degree同义词:reasonablymoderatelywithin reasonsomewhatfairlypassably
middling 相关例句
fair to middling过得去;还算好
用作形容词(adj.)- He is just a man of middling height.
他仅仅是一个中等身材的男子。 - This is really a very middling experience.
这真的是很普通的一次体验。 - He says he's only feeling middling today.
用作副词(adv.)- It is a middling nice cake.
Middling, meddling, muddling : issues in Australian foreign policyEstimating the Unmet Need for Services: A Middling ApproachParticle size distribution of break, sizing and middling wheat flours by laser diffraction“Economic Migrants” or “Middling Transnationals”? East European Migrants’ Experiences of Work in the UKProcess for improved separation of sulphide minerals or middlings associated with pyrrhotiteTreatment of primary tailings and middlings from the hot water extraction process for recovering bitumen from tar sandShould I pitch my tent in the middle ground? On ‘middling tendency’, Beck and inequality in youth sociologyCity Size and Economic Performance: Is Bigger Better, Small More Beautiful or Middling Marvellous?Experimental Research on Improving Copper Recovery by Selective Regrinding of Middling in a Copper Mine of HubeiFumigant residues of carbon tetrachloride, ethylene dichloride, and ethylene dibromide in wheat, flour, bran, middlings, and bread