英:['mɪdməʊst] 美: ['mɪdˌmoʊst]
midmost 基本解释
midmost[ 'midməust ]
adj.being in the exact middle同义词:middlemost
adv.the middle or central part or point同义词:in the midstin the middle
midmost 相关例句
Midmost – Living with dementia
"i Was The Midmost"
A brief research history of early European study from Meiji-Taisho era to the midmost of the war in Showa era
開発支援ツール MIDMOST/DE for COBOLの採用
Introduction of development supporting tool "MIDMOST/DE for COBOL"
The Midmost Waters Biography of an ocean
The Midmost Waters
Finite Element Analysis and Comparison of Castellated and Cellular Beam
A Sound In The Night
Hymn to King Helios