英:['mɪdsaɪzd] 美: ['mɪdsaɪzd]
midsized 基本解释
midsized 相关例句
Comparison of simple versus complex distributed runoff models on a midsized semiarid watershedPrevalence of urinary incontinence among institutionalized patients: a cross-sectional epidemiologic study in a midsized city in nor...Age-associated and cell-type-specific neurofibrillary pathology in transgenic mice expressing the human midsized neurofilament subunitDomestic violence among family practice patients in midsized and rural communities.Prevalence of urinary incontinence among institutionalised patients: A cross sectional epidemiological study in a midsized city in N...Characteristics of midsized urban EMS systems.Koch, S.: ERP selection process in midsized and large organizations. Business Process Management Journal 7(3), 251-257A Decade of Staged Norwood Palliation in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome in a Midsized Cardiosurgical CenterHuman midsized neurofilament subunit induces motor neuron disease in transgenic miceMice with disrupted midsized and heavy neurofilament genes lack axonal neurofilaments but have unaltered numbers of axonal microtubu...