英:['mɪdsəʊl] 美: ['mɪdˌsoʊl]
midsole 相关例句
- The high wrap of the midsole created a lightweight shell around the foot for superior support and stability.
MidsoleMidsole material-related force control during heel-toe running.Shoe midsole longitudinal bending stiffness and running economy, joint energy, and EMGInfluence of midsole bending stiffness on joint energy and jump height performanceThe Effect of Varying Midsole Hardness on impact Forces and Foot Motion during Foot Contact in RunningInfluence of footwear midsole material hardness on dynamic balance control during unexpected gait terminationThe influence of running velocity and midsole hardness on external impact forces in heel-toe running.Influence of heel flare and midsole construction on pronation, supination, and impact forces for heel-toe runningPerceptual and biomechanical variables for running in identical shoe constructions with varying midsole hardness.Deformation characteristics of the heel region of the shod foot during a simulated heel strike: The effect of varying midsole hardness