英:['mɪgl] 美: ['mɪgl]
miggle 基本解释
miggle 相关例句
Carrots and Miggle (Book)Twintig de S. Carmigglet : l'éducation moderneJürgen Werbick (Hg.): Sühne, Martyrium und Erlösung. Opfergedanke und Glaubensgewissheit in Judentum, Christentum und IslamThe Frying-Pan and the FireNitrogen fixation by Nodularia spumigena Mertens (Cyanobacteriaceae). 1: Field studies and the contribution of blooms to the nitrog...Smuggling and small‐scale trade as part of informal economic practices: Empirical findings from the Eastern external EU borderWho has the right to forbid and who to trade? Making sense of illegality on the Polish-Ukrainian border國中生社會目標歷程分析:環境─社會與成就目標模式之檢驗Subverting borders : doing research on smuggling and small-scale tradeThe Female Sexual Functioning Index (FSFI): evaluation of acceptability, reliability, and validity in women with breast cancer