英:['mi:ræb] 美: ['miræb]
mihrab 基本解释
mihrab[ 'mi:ræb, -rəb ]
n.(Islam) a design in the shape of niche in a Muslim prayer rug; during worship the niche must be pointed toward Mecca(Islam) a niche in the wall of a mosque that indicates the direction of Mecca
mihrab 相关例句
Comparative Efficacy of Some Plant Extracts against Fungal Deterioration of Stucco Ornaments in the Mihrab of Mostafa Pasha Ribate, ...The Mihrab Image: Commemorative Themes in Medieval Islamic ArchitectureChemical and physical characterization of the stucco mihrab of the mausoleum of muhammad Al-hasawati, fatimid period, Cairo, EgyptTechnical examination and restoration of the stucco decorations of El Hasawaty mihra¯b, Fatimid period, Cairo, EgyptThe Origins of the Mihrab Mujawwaf: A ReinterpretationThe Mihrab in the Cave of the Dome of the RockTOWARDS MIHRAB : AN APPROACH TO DIVINE MOMENTSThe Mihrab: From Text to FormLa decoración califal del Mihrab de la mezquita mayor de Almería: nuevos descubrimientosEl mihrab almohade de Mértola (Portugal)